The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

I Miss My Reader Self

It has been months since I've found my nose completely stuck in books and I miss it. I feel like a part of me is missing because I've been so caught up with other things in my life that I've completely disregarded my reader self. They say it's really tough to balance priorities and now that I have actually experienced it, I can totally say it's true. It's a little bit disappointing really because I have always been loud and proud to call myself a bibliophile and now that I don't get to read as many books as before, it feels like I'm a bit of a fraud.

I miss the feeling of being totally captivated by a book's world that the surroundings around me blur and I'm just immersed in a completely different universe. I miss having a day pass by so fast that I won't even know what time it is because I'm engulfed with what I'm reading. I miss staying up late at night just to finish one more chapter before dozing off to dreamland. I miss reading physical books, one where you can smell that rustic fragrance as you turn from one page to another. I miss reading on my kindle, too, finishing chapter after chapter even after all the lights were off. I especially miss using my imagination as I take in the author's words. I miss all of the places I could travel and be in just by reading them on paper.


Last year, I completed my Goodreads Challenge and got to finish 45 books. It was a great reading year as I've finished a lot of really great books from a lot of great writers. A couple of titles include the Throne of Glass Series, Me Before You, November 9, and The Beginning of Everything. It was the year I got to know Sarah J. Maas and Colleen Hoover who are great, by the way, and I love all their books to bits!

I was hoping I could beat my 2016 record so this year, I pledged and challenged myself to read 50 books. It's a pretty ambitious number but I hope I can manage it. So far, I have just read 1 book this month (*sighs*) and I still haven't picked up on another one. I hope this reading slump will come to an end soon because I really, really would love to go back to reading. Good luck self, and please try to manage your time better this February...

Renee Alexis - The Random Bibliophile

A little update: Today's my last day of work! I'll finally leave this place for good on the 3rd. Also, something new came up and have been running around in my head in circles the whole morning. I'm taken aback a little bit as I haven't planned for this to happen but as I have said, I'm keeping myself open for new opportunities so I have a lot to think about. Lord, help me and guide me. ❤

So, how are you all? Have you ever experienced this kind of slump? I hope you are all doing well. I wish you all a great February ahead! 😊


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