The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

Life Lately: Hello Unemployed Life

Life Lately: Hello Unemployed Life

Hi, guys! It's been quite a while since my last post and, oh, how I've missed my little corner of the internet. How are you all? I missed talking to you, I miss sharing little tidbits of my life with you, I miss writing and musing, too. So starting this month with a life lately post is the perfect thing to do, thanks for the suggestion, BFF. 😁

A lot has happened in a span of 10 days. To start with, February 1 marks the first day of me being unemployed. Yes, I have resigned from my day job and, if you must know why, I've stated the reason on my last post. It was not a sudden decision, it was thoroughly thought out for many months, and while I'm still confused today as to where I should go, I do not regret making that decision. I am happier and feeling much better today, and that's what's really important, isn't it? 😊

For the past 10 days, I've gone to the BIR, to a cafe in Marbel; I've said goodbye to T'boli - my home for the past 1 year and 1 month, I've gone to Cagayan de Oro to go out on a date with the boyfriend, to Iligan the next day to run errands; of course I spent a little time at home, too, to catch up with the 'rents; and then moved in temporarily with the best friend to start up my freelancing life.

It's a whirlwind of traveling from one place to another so I wasn't able to really think out of a post to put up on this blog...until today, that is. 😁

A Day at the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)

I went to BIR Marbel on the first of February hoping to get myself a TIN ID. I had my TIN number for over a year already and I was expecting that getting an ID would be easy-peasy as it was what the HR personnel told me. When I asked on how to get it, I was told that I would have to wait for four months before getting it. I was astounded.  I thought getting an ID was easy, why the heck would I have to wait for four freaking months? In the end, I have no choice so I left the government office and decided to just send a representative to get the ID as I refuse to travel 16 long hours just to claim a freaking ID, so yeah. That went well. 😏

Saying Goodbye to T'boli and Friends

I've lived in this town for about a year and a month, and during my stay here, I have made a lot of good friends. I've learned a lot from this place, too. It was a bittersweet goodbye, I won't miss my work (place), but I will surely miss the people I have worked with. Till we meet again, friends, as I'm sure our paths will cross again in the future. 😊

Catching up with the 'Rents

Of course, when I went home, there were a lot of catching up that happened. I talked to the 'rents of what has happened, of what is happening, and of what will happen. I shared my thoughts, future plans and aspirations, a possible venture, and some wishful thinking. I kind of didn't want to share everything with them because I get the feeling that they won't approve of what I really want so I kind of filtered some things out. 

A Day in Cagayan De Oro

When I got home, Jethro and I traveled to CDO to go out on a date. Yes, we traveled hours just to go out on a date, crazy. It wasn't really noteworthy or spectacular, we just spent the day together, bought stuff, ate out, and then went home after.

Celebrating the Best Friend's Birthday

February 8th was a happy day, fun even. I got to spend it with the people I haven't been with for a long time and it was refreshing for a change. Also, food trip is real. Hahaha!

The Never Ending KDramas

During my unannounced hiatus, KDramas have been a big part of my everyday life. It has literally consumed me, haha! I've finished Who Are You School 2015, Cheese in the Trap, and Pinocchio. Now I'm currently watching Coffee Prince. What they said was really true, once you start watching KDramas and got hooked, there will be no going back! 😂

Moving Back to the City

And then the best thing for last - moving back to the city after a long time. Temporarily, I moved in with the best friend since I haven't found a place to stay yet. I really wanted to continue with my freelance work as soon as possible so with her offering I can stay with them for a little while, I immediately obliged. It was an opportunity that was too good to be passed up, you know. We've been catching up and talking nonstop, I am so excited with all the future plans we have.

That was a long list, don't you think? So yeah, those were what I have been up to lately. January has somewhat been a confusing month. It was the month I quit my job, it was the month I went crazy with KDramas, it was the month I felt listless and frustrated, it was the month I had the strong feeling to go somewhere... I can even hardly explain it to myself. 😅 But it's a brand new month and I am filled with hope that new opportunities will come my way. So I'm positive and I choose to feel so because I just can't give up that easily, right? 😊

Also, I have something brewing up, hehehe. The words in the business card I made a year ago is slowly coming to life and I am just feeling so giddy and excited because it was just once a dream. Wish me luck, you guys. I'll probably need it!


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