The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

How to Really Know Someone | 03

Happy hump day, guys! I hope your Wednesdays went well, I know mine did. :D So, here I am again for the next set of questions for my How To Really Know Someone Question Tag series. Here goes...

11. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?
I would paint the colors of the sky while the sun is setting and meets the ocean. The sky will be in vivid colors of strong and soft oranges, light yellows, vicious reds and then a hint of pink and purple. 

12. In the case of prevention of overpopulation, should some people be prohibited from reproducing?
I would not say prohibit them, instead, I would suggest that every family should be permitted with the number of children according to their financial ability to provide. Family planning should be strongly implemented, people should have awareness and sense of responsibility before leaping into this huge step of making babies.

13. You discover that because of a mix-up at the hospital, your wonderful one-year-old child is not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to try to correct the mistake?
Of course! I want the baby who came out from me, that is my baby. I'm sure the mother of the baby I'm given would feel the exact same way, too. One year is not too long compared to a lifetime, this mistake must be corrected at all cost!

14. Have you ever seen a person, an animal, or something else die? How did you feel about it?
I haven't seen a dying person in real life yet so I don't know how I feel about it, but I've seen a dying bird and I felt pretty bad for it especially because I unintentionally did it. :( I'm sorry, little bird, I really didn't mean it. I know I will carry this guilt for the rest of my life. I'm really sorry.

15. What is the most drastic thing you’ve done?
So far? It would be taking on this job I have now without ever preparing for it. I was culture-shocked by the sudden change of scenery, area, and people. I was homesick for days and I was always crying before going to sleep. But a month passed and I became accustomed and adjusted to my situation and the people around me. I guess I dived into the "real world" so quickly, I didn't give myself the chance to really grasp the change I'm gonna get into.

Has anyone done this one besides me, Richel and Corinth? I would love to read your versions of this guys, so feel free to plug them in the comments section below!

This tag is originally from Corinth and if you want to join along, you can find the rest of the questions here. What's your take on these questions? If you're asked these questions, what would your replies be? Comment below so I can read your answers. 😊 xx


  1. Ah the baby question! I honestly don't know haha

  2. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?

    I would paint the lovely scenery of the Italian winery! (For me it's lovely) :) I love wine haha.

    Kai // Kitty Journal (

    1. That would be a very nice picture, Kai. I can just imagine the vast winery meeting the endless sky, oh the colors in that picture!

  3. Your answers are so mature and sophisticated, I love them! May I ask what job did you take? :) | THAILAND IN 3 MINUTES

    1. Hello Nana :) I'm currently a Met Supervisor in a mining company here in the PH. It's in a remote area and far away from my home that's why it was a sudden blur of changes when I accepted the job without even thinking about it through. :D

  4. I love all your answers. I agree with the baby one. every one should really take time to think if they can afford a baby or if they even have time for babies. Its a huge responsibility.
    Moving from one city to another can be a bit scary. Weldone for taking that step to do so. Im faith by the way. I love your blog.

    1. Hi Faith! Thank you for dropping by ^_^ I'm glad you liked my blog! xoxo


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