The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

Womenagerie and Other Tales from the Front by Jessica Zafra

Womenagerie and Other Tales from the Front by Jessica Zafra

I seldom read books from local authors. I don't know why, I think it's just because I haven't found any that are to my liking. When you say local authors kasi, my first thought would be My Precious Hearts Romance books and Wattpad novels. While I won't deny that I've read some books in this genre, I grew tired of them and let's face it, the writing styles in these books are not that great. But when Ayeesha of gave me this book when we went out for a date, I was instantly curious. She was head over heels with this one and I was eager to read through its pages to find out why.

Womenagerie and Other Tales from the Front is a collection of Jessica Zafra's earlier columns in Women Today Magazine, and this was published in 1995. I just turned 1 that year, talk about how old this book is. But you know what? Her pieces are very relate-able and still hold true after all these years.

My favorite piece in this collection would have to be Real People, An Endangered Species found on page 16. Its last line spoke to me: "Real people just don't sell." Our world today kinda lives with this motto. In our world today, you will see perfections everywhere, whether its on televisions, the internet, or in social media. People strive to show just the tip of the iceberg, just the pretty parts of life, just the perfect slice of the cake. You wouldn't see the struggle behind every picture, you wouldn't see the mess behind every scene, you wouldn't see the mistakes behind all that's been done. You would only see what people choose to let you see. And that is not realness.

Another remarkable piece is The High Cost of Being On Your Own. This one I can greatly relate to. It's just in this generation that the term "adulting" came to life, but it's not just our generation that has "suffered" from it. Zafra writes a vivid depiction of what it really takes to be on your own, or in other words, to be independent.

This book is funny and witty at the same time. It made me laugh and think deep thoughts about the things that she has written. I really enjoyed reading this book and I would like to read more of her books. I read that her Twisted series is good so I'm on the lookout for that.

I love Zafra's style of writing. I even aspire to be just as good and as convincing as her someday.

I also love how this book is worn out by the time it came into my hands. I assumed that a lot of people have already read this one and that's what makes up the book's worth. I kind of have a thing for old books. The history behind the worn-out covers and the dog-eared pages is what piques my interest because that means this particular book is really good as many have turned its pages.

I highly recommend this book to everyone. It's a really good read.

Rating: ❤❤❤


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