The other day, I listened to my favorite podcast, The Wake Up With Jim and Saab Podcast, to catch up with the episodes I missed. The last episode I listened to was Celebrating Small Victories and that's what inspired me to write this entry.
We've been cooped up in our homes for several months now, but despite the horrible situation, we managed to keep up with our lives, cope up with the new normal, and even enjoy the new things that came with the changes.
I'm thankful that I'm privileged enough to be able to work and earn from home, yet sometimes, feelings of anxiety arise due to these uncertain times. I do my best to remain afloat because it's the only way to survive.
Listening to Jim and Saab's podcast reminded me that I shouldn't be too hard on myself and that I need to look at the bright side of the spectrum, too. I then tried to look at my life on the outside and think of the things that I can be proud of. I came up with a couple of things, here's a list:
Learned how to use CorelDraw and Adobe Photoshop
Last month, I took a beginner's class for graphic design. We were taught how to use Coreldraw and Photoshop. The class was easy to follow and the teacher was very approachable. I learned new things and even though I'm not yet an expert, I can proudly say that I can now use Coreldraw! Photoshop on the other hand is still too intimidating for me, but I know the basics now and that's a huge improvement. The classes have stopped now, but I will get back to learning more about these 2 programs when I have the time and interest.
Working Out Twice a Week
I started working out last month. I didn't want to push myself too hard for fear of becoming lazy if I do, so I settled to have workouts twice a week. Eventually, I plan to do it thrice a week and so on. I'm not a fan of working out but I do enjoy a good sweat. My biggest enemy here is my laziness, but hopefully, my determination to lose a few fats overcomes that. 😂 Anyway, I want to pat myself in the back for being consistent here so yes, small win!
Purchased an Office Chair
When I got home, I planned on redecorating our room and create a workspace. We repainted the walls to white, I bought a desk with a bookshelf and a book cart to house-in my precious books and did my best to make my dream workspace come to life. My corner was assembled for a while and only an office chair was missing. Then last week, I finally bought one! I was overjoyed. I've always dreamed about owning my own desk and now that I finally have it, I spend 80% of my day here. My corner is still missing something and just 85% done but this is something to celebrate now because it just is. 😁
Finally joining in the BookTube Community
I've thought about doing this earlier this year. I had a lot of doubts, and I still do, but despite it, I finally did it. I uploaded my first BookTube video four days ago and I was so nervous sharing it over to my bookstagram, but all I received were warm welcomes, supportive friends who shared my video, and lovely people who showered me with kind words. My heart was so happy and it motivated me to do better. This is just the beginning, I am looking forward to growing in this community because this is where my interest lies. I'm still very shy talking to the camera and a lot of times, I'm at a loss for words. I admire booktubers who can spout so many words in a second. I so wish I could be like that, too, but I guess I'm a better writer than a speaker. But then, I'm taking this as a challenge to improve myself. 😊
Finished 4 Books on October
I read four books last month and it's something to celebrate because 4 books is already a lot for me these days. The best book I read was King of Scars and I wrote my thoughts about it in this blog post. Do check it out. 😊
I did a little something here though. I sped-up the video because I just talk too slow. What do you think? Is it okay? Or should I just stick to my normal talking speed? Please give me some feedback...
Consistently Write Blog Posts
This may not be a huge deal for anyone, but for me, it's an achievement. I've been consistent in keeping my blog alive this year and I haven't felt more proud of my blogger self. In the past two years, I've neglected my blog - only writing an entry or two a month, sometimes even skipping a month. Not this year, though. Somehow, I managed to have a lot of things to write about and I hope this continues. You go, self! 😂 (I am my own cheerleader now)
Rekindled an Old Relationship
As I was tinkering through my old blog posts, I came upon this - An Open Letter to Someone I Once Knew. It's been four years and I am happy to say that we've made up. With everything that's happened, things have changed for the better, and this person and I are on speaking terms again after a long time. There's a scar in my heart, and when I read the letter again, I felt the pain. But all of that is in the past now, and my heart has no grudges towards her anymore. Without even realizing it, I found out in my heart of hearts that I have already forgiven her. We have come a long way and we were not the person we were four years ago. Time did a lot of healing for me and I'm just glad that we can put everything that happened in the past behind us now. I bet I fooled you with this portion's heading. 😂😝
I don't wanna jinx it, but I have to recognize that I was pretty productive this week. I think I've pretty much listed down everything I could think of, and so to end this post on a positive note, I leave you with this thought to ponder: what have you done in the past 5 months that made you proud of yourself? Share it in the comment section below! 😊
P.S. The typhoon Rolly left a lot of devastation and a lot of my fellow Filipinos are now homeless. Here's a list of donation drives curated by CNN Philippines should you want to extend a helping hand. 💖
If you've reached this last sentence, thank you so much for reading my long-ass post! You are appreciated! 😘 Till my next one! xx
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