Sometimes, the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.
For this month's journal spreads, I went with a simpler theme than last month's. I drew fancy office supplies like a fountain pen, ink, a cup of coffee, papers, and books. I kinda mimicked a fancy desk flatlay if you could see it. Then I included a flower to complete the whole "aesthetic". I chose to do my own theme because for once, I didn't like Amanda's theme 😅 and Plinth's was too meticulous to make and I did not have the mood to doodle. So I did a simple spread and I ended up liking it.
The colors I used were pastel green, hues of blue, and a splash of brown for the coffee.
I like the look of my journal now. It has a balance of elements - doodles and words. I started jotting down my thoughts about the books I've read and series I've watched. I thought it would be fun to read these entries in the future. So far this month, I've finished 2 books already and I'm on my third read.
My journal has become a place of random thoughts. Sometimes I make a Brain Dump spread, sometimes a weekly spread, sometimes an Anything Goes spread. In the past year, no two spreads are alike - well, except for the monthly overview spread which is always a must. And I love how my journal evolved from something that I only use for planning into something I use for a means of creative release.
I think I will be doing a journal flip through at the end of the year so I can show you what I meant about it "evolving", hehe.
If you want to see my journal spread creation process, you can head over to my TikTok account to see timelapse videos about it...and maybe give me a follow for more content like this. 😊
Thanks for reaching the end, till my next bujo rants! xx
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