The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.
Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

The Giant Windmills of Ilocos Norte

A few moments after we saw and photographed the picturesque scenery of the Patapat Viaduct, we ventured for a few minutes to Bangui to see the windmills. On the way there, the giant infrastructure can be seen along the way as some were peeking over hills and mountains.

The day started out to be rainy but thankfully, the drizzle stopped and the sun came out giving us a close-to-perfect weather to explore Ilocos more.

One of the many tourist attractions that made Ilocos Norte famous

Ilocos Norte tends to have more wind than many other provinces in the country due to its location. The Bangui Bay faces the West Philippine Sea where a total of 20 units of wind turbines are lined up in a single row stretching along a nine-kilometer shoreline. The wind farm contributes nearly 40% of the province's electrical power. Amazing right? (source)

One of the many tourist attractions that made Ilocos Norte famous

Upon arriving on site, I was outright amazed by the sheer size of the windmills. I knew they were big but I didn't know how humongous they were! I simply gawked for a full minute. We walked down towards the crashing waves along the shore, enjoyed the wind and just admired the place.

One of the many tourist attractions that made Ilocos Norte famous

I loved the idea of putting up a greener alternative, like this, to generate electricity for the province. Although further study and technology updates are needed to advance this wind farm, I say this is a huge stepping stone for the Philippines to go beyond borders.

"If Ilocos Norte can take a “giant” leap towards a greener environment, there’s no reason the entire country couldn’t follow." (source)

One of the many tourist attractions that made Ilocos Norte famous

And of course, I wouldn't miss the chance to take a photograph of myself with these giants. You'll have to excuse thy face and thy messy hair. Haha!

The place was crowded when we visited and we walked further out to look for a less crowded area. Thankfully, the other tourists began to leave because it was already almost lunch time.

One of the many tourist attractions that made Ilocos Norte famous

We took the chance and took a lot of photos. I'm a memory hoarder so you can just imagine how full my camera was when our trip ended. Picking out for photos to include in this post was rather tiresome because there were so many to choose from. But these next photos are my favorite and I just have to share them!

One of the many tourist attractions that made Ilocos Norte famous

We ended our trip by visiting the souvenir stations. Look at these gorgeous mini-windmills they're selling. Aren't they just adorable?

I got little somethings for home, to remember this trip by. The souvenirs were cheap and I was happy to help the locals.

Overall, it was a fun, memorable trip. I loved being at the wind farm and I was really happy we did this trip.

Cheers more for more traveling to come, yah? :D Till my next post, chummies. Ciao!


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