The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

Six Months in the UAE 🇦🇪

Days have been moving faster and I just woke up one day realizing that I've been away from home for 6 months now. I've been living in Dubai for half a year and it's been well so far. I can say that I've adjusted with the lifestyle and rules here. Although everything still feels sur…

Blog Update and Whatnot

It's been a month since I last posted here and while I've made it a goal to write a blog at least 4 times a month, my words have been failing me. I've zoned out again. I thought that I was getting better but I spiraled down again and well, I've been fighting so hard ever since to d…

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