The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

My July 2020 Journal Spread

My July 2020 Journal Spread

For another bullet journal post, I'm sharing with you my July 2020 spread! It is, again, inspired by AmandaRachLee though I chose to color it with pastel green instead of red. With the theme being a picnic in the meadow on a warm summer day, it makes me miss the warm sunshine in the Philippines. Nothing beats home, talaga no?

For this month, I just want stability - in mind and in the heart. I've had so many things that I want to pursue. I've been having a lot of daydreams while stuck in my room with just my laptop and phone for company. The past few weeks have been a tough mental battle when I just can't even face myself. I admit I'm demotivated and disheartened. I don't have the fire and inspiration to do the things I should do (like work). The past few weeks have just been me, waiting out for the time to tick to get me by day after day. I turn to write blog posts to release pent up emotions. It's giving me a bit of relief although the tension isn't all released. I turn to listen to music and even got to discover a few gems I listen to over and over again, but the darkness inside my mind still manages to dominate whenever things become quiet. I turn the pages of my journal and the satisfaction I feel every time I finish a spread is not as pure as it once was. Well anyway, let's just get on with the rest of my spreads.

My July 2020 Journal Spread - Renee Alexis
July Monthly Spread
My monthly spread is very simple, with only a pop of color on the second page to match with this month's theme. I'd call it simple and functional because it works for what it's for. The floating boxes are what I always gravitate to when I don't have any particular way to make my monthly spread.

My July 2020 Journal Spread - Renee Alexis
July Playlist
A new spread I carried over in this month's spread is the Monthly Playlist Spread. As you may have already noticed, I have been obsessed about a certain Thai BL series called 2gether and so that is why I tried hard to copy the Thai letters here because that's all that I've been listening to for the past few days. The series featured songs from a Thai Band called Scrubb and their music is my cup of tea. I loved the instrumentals and the melody of each song even though I don't understand the lyrics. I read the English translations of the songs and they are really good. Every time I listen to the playlist, I'm taken back to all the feels I had when I watched the series.

Renee Alexis July 2020 Journal Spread
TBR List for July 2020
I also did a Reading List Spread but I'm not sure if I can finish every book I've written down here. After a hectic reading schedule I had last month, I think I needed to take a break. I'm currently reading a few pages of #Girlboss every day, but that's it. I haven't finished it yet and it's already the 10th of the month. It seems like I'm just wasting my days away not being really productive, but such is life...

And that's how my July 2020 journal spread looks like. Till my next bujo update! xx



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