The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

Renee's Sunday Currently Vol. 06

Renee's Sunday Currently Vol. 06

After 4 years, I decided to continue on with this blog series. 😁 I've been meaning to write a Sunday Currently post for quite some time now, but every time I do remember to make it, it's always not Sunday. 😅 So thankfully, today is still Sunday and I'm just clicking away from website to website thinking about what I'm gonna do. I happen to open my Tumblr blog and I was reminded about this blog series, and so here we are.

I am currently:

#Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso
READING a nonfiction book called #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso. I'm taking a break from reading fantasy novels so I decided to pick this one up. I'm 80 pages in and I like this book already!

WRITING notes for my Greek and Roman Myth course. I'm on to Week 10, the last week, and then I'm done! I've lagged behind and my quizzes are overdue. I just don't find Week 9 and 10 interesting anymore. It's about Roman Myth now, and we're learning about The Aeneid and I'm not really feeling it unlike with Odysseus' adventure. But, no problem, I'll still stick with it until the end. Only a week left now.

LISTENING to the 2gether The Series Playlist on Spotify. 💙 I am still very much invested in this fangirling activity even after more than a week of finishing the series. The hangover is REAL. I've watched countless of their guestings and interviews on Youtube and also got to watch their special segment #Play2gether, which is a 4-episode series showcasing the casts' covers of the Scrubb Songs that were featured in the series. UGH MY HEART WENT OOP ~

THINKING about a lot of things actually. My mind has been so noisy (again) since yesterday. My anxiety levels are spiking up again and I'm afraid of it more than ever. I just don't talk about it so much because I'm hoping it will go away on its own. It's tough being cooped up inside a room with just your thoughts with you. I wanna go home.

WEARING a loose, plain white v-neck shirt and black running shorts. I have my glasses on and my hair in a high ponytail.

WISHING that July ends without a hitch and that it's August already.

HOPING that everything will work out my way. Please 🙏

LOVING Bright and Win even more after watching a lot of their videos! Haha! I feel like I'm getting to know them more and more as I watch more of their videos.

WANTING to understand and learn Thai and then visiting the country so I can be closer to Bright, HAHAHAHA! The obsession is real! *squeals in Thai*

NEEDING to get away and forget the world for just even a while. Can anyone relate?

FEELING bored and out of my mind.

CLICKING through different YouTube videos, feeding my fangirling heart while it's still wanting more. Haha! I'll get through with this stage soon. 😋

P.S. This is originally an idea of Siddathornton and you can join the link-up by visiting her blog.



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