Watching videos on Youtube is one of the things I do when I feel uninspired, bored and/or restless. It has become my stress reliever of sorts whenever I feel overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to accomplish in a day. I watch various videos in it, from makeup tutorials, skincare talks, Taylor Swift videos, music covers, KPOP and KDrama clips, to the ever-satisfying pimple popping videos.
I love Youtube and for this blog post, I wanted to share with you guys who I frequently watch on this social channel.
What I watch mostly on Youtube are beauty related videos. I always play something when I'm getting ready to go out to accompany me while I do my skincare routine and put on my makeup. And so you shouldn't be surprised if all of them are beauty channels. I enjoy watching vlogs too, but it's mostly beauty videos I am into lately. Here are some of the content creators I love watching on Youtube.

Liah Yoo
Liah Yoo is one of the most influential youtuber I know when it comes to (Korean) skincare and beauty. I love how she dives into the core of skincare and always does her best to explain the products and its ingredients. I admire her for being different than the other beauty youtubers. Her skincare diet advocacy has greatly influenced and changed my skincare game. Liah is one of my career inspirations. She has broken out of the norm by letting go of her corporate job to pursue her passion. And that is what I also aim to do. Have you listened to her podcast with Christine and Regina? If you haven't, you can listen to it here.

Joan Kim
If you are a fan of South Korea, you have got to follow and watch Joan's vlogs. Joan also makes videos about her lifestyle, skincare, and Kbeauty in general. What I love about her is her genuine authenticity when she talks in her videos. There's a certain feel about her because whenever I watch her videos, I feel like we are close friends and she's touring me in her life and taking me to the places she has been. I want to live in South Korea because of her and Eddy, haha.

Edward Avila
I discovered Eddy almost the same time when I became Joan's subscriber. Eddy is fil-am, I think and what hooked me up on his channel was his vlogs about living in South Korea and learning Hangul. There was a time early this year when I really wanted to go visit and live in SK so Eddy's videos were such a pleasure to watch. I also enjoy his skincare and makeup reviews and videos. I enjoy his videos with Joan as well. Eddy's quirky personality is so lovable and that's why he's on my list of favorites.

The Beauty Breakdown (Morgan)
Morgan is a beauty youtuber based in the US who does KBeauty videos. Same with previous Youtubers I have mentioned, Morgan also does reviews of skincare and makeup products, comparisons, informational videos and such. I like her bubbly personality and the way she talks is so calming. Those and the fact that she's so pretty, she is such a sight to see.

Hey it's Fei
I love Fei. She is the most adorable Kbeauty/KPOP fanatic I have ever followed on Youtube. She does first impressions and trial videos that really entertains me. She's bubbly, she's funny, she's quirky, and such a cutie that I can't help but be drawn to her vids. I like most especially following her acne story as I have also been battling the same issue. Over the months, I can see how her skin has improved and I am genuinely happy for her.

Jeffree Star
I love this guy. Along with being a singer, Jeffree is a makeup artist and cosmetics creator that has been so successful in this field. I love watching his makeup tutorials, first impressions, reviews, and personal videos with his boyfriend, Nathan. I love them both. Nathan is such a cutie and I love how their relationship has blossomed into something anyone would kill for. His level of extra is what I aim to be, haha!

Nikkie Tutorials
If you are a makeup enthusiast, you would have heard of Nikkie. She is known for her makeup videos (duh) and has already millions of views. She is one of the biggest beauty youtuber and she deserves it. Her channel showcases a lot of different makeup tutorials and reviews and she has worked with some of the biggest stars we all know. I am sooooo obsessed with her makeup techniques and how she contours are what I live for. I wanna learn how to do makeup like her. I love her.

Anna Cay
And last but definitely not the least is our local youtuber - Anna Cay. I watch other local youtubers, don't get me wrong, but Anna Cay is my favorite. I love her beauty videos and her vlogs. She is down to earth and she's such a cutie. I particularly like watching her haul videos and her vlogs. Right now, I am so excited to binge-watch all her South Korea vlogs. 😁
Getting to see how various people can make these really creative content makes me feel motivated to make my own. There was a time that I thought about venturing to Youtube and make videos but I wasn't cut out for it. I suck at being in from of the camera, my voice sounds weird, and video editing is just not my cup of tea. I'll stick to writing and blogging for now, hehe.
Do you watch YouTube videos, too? Who are your favorites? Care to introduce me to them? Let's talk in the comments section below!
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