The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

Books To Read Part 05

2020 was a great reading year and I am hoping that this year will be the same if not better. It's been a slow start because as of today, I have only finished one book. I'm currently reading multiple books, one in audiobook form, one in physical form, one in ebook form, and one is a graphic …

Renee's Sunday Currently Vol. 11

Hi there! Welcome to my blog! Here's me attempting to make this space alive by posting another Sunday currently. January has been chill so far. After an eventful and VERY stressful December, I decided to take a break this month and I have been enjoying my free time the past few weeks. I've …

Anecdotes 13 | Gray Metal Lockers

I would always arrive at school with minutes to spare before the morning bell rings. I remember I'd immediately head to my locker to gather the books I need for the first period. The school locker was located on the second floor near the stairs and it has four rows and five columns. I've al…

A Little Tour of My Work Space

Hello, everybody! Happy New Year!  I hope your new year's celebration was fun, I know mine was. 😁 To start with, I decided to skip writing a personal blog post like I've been doing in the past 4 years because I don't feel mushy right now. I don't feel like this new year is "ne…

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