The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

Unboxing Rapunzel's Secret Box from Althea Korea

I have another box from Althea! And this time, it contains products for the hair. 😁

I have been neglecting my hair's health since I started bleaching and dyeing it. Earlier this year, I have been having hair fall problems and it just became worse. Time and time again, I would switch shampoos …

Things To Do When in Siargao

I have already been to Siargao twice this year and I haven't even blogged anything about it yet except showing this video to you. I might as well do it now and let me just begin by saying that Siargao Island is one of the most beautiful islands I have ever seen yet.

Although I haven't been…

My Favorite Youtubers

Watching videos on Youtube is one of the things I do when I feel uninspired, bored and/or restless. It has become my stress reliever of sorts whenever I feel overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to accomplish in a day. I watch various videos in it, from makeup tutorials, skincare talks, Tayl…

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