The Random Bibliophile

by Renee Alexis

Renee Alexis
20-something Filipina, an introvert who loves young adult fiction, brush pens, Taylor Swift, and BTS. Coffee runs in my bloodstream.


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2023 Reading Challenge

2023 Reading Challenge
Renee Alexis has read 0 books toward her goal of 30 books.

A Year in Review | 2020 Wrap Up Part 3

Here we are, at last, on the last day of the year, have you made peace with 2020 yet? I think everyone will agree with me when I say that 2020 has been one of the heaviest and most difficult years yet. A lot has happened this year, January alone was very eventful. A World War III threat, Iran shot …

My Year in Books | 2020 Wrap Up Part 2

Aside from 2020 being a great Asian Drama Watching Year for me, it has been a great reading year as well.  As of writing this, I have read a total of 52 books this year, 12 books more from my original 40-book goal! Well, ain't that swell? Being quarantined for the most part of the year turned m…

My Year in Asian Drama (and other fangirlings) | 2020 Wrap Up Part 1

We find ourselves at the end of the year once again. Every year since 2016, it has become my tradition to sit down, reflect, and write down a long post to commemorate the year that has just passed. For four years, I've rounded up my thoughts on what happened to those particular years, and this …

Renee's Sunday Currently Vol. 10

Hello reader, happy Sunday! Welcome to another Sunday Currently entry. 😊I am currently:READING Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. This is my 53rd book of the year and I really hope I could finish this one before the year ends. I'm on page 123 of 532 and I'm enjoying the story so far. I&#…

This is an Update

Hi guys, just wanted to whip up a little post because I've been absent here. The past few weeks had been crazy hectic and I'm on the verge of just throwing everything away. I'm taking deep breaths now to relax but even that trick doesn't work for me anymore. Anyway, I'll stop ta…

An Abundance of Self Doubts

It's been a while since I've been on a long drive, and usually, whenever I'm in one of those moments, I get into a trance where I'm just lost in deep thoughts. I miss long bus rides and just pondering through old memories and what-could-have-been's. The reason why I'm partic…

evermore 12.11 🤍 'tis the DAMN SEASON

To put it plainly, we just couldn’t stop writing songs. To try and put it more poetically, it feels like we were standing on the edge of the folklorian woods and had a choice: to turn and go back or to travel further into the forest of this music. We chose to wander deeper in. - Taylor via Instagra…

Renee Reacts: Start-Up 2020

Where do I even start with this reaction blog post??? I mean, I just finished the last episode of this series, and I'm having a hard time understanding that I won't have another episode to look forward to the next weekend. - this was me in the early hours of Monday morning (07-Dec)
Today is …

My December 2020 Journal Spread

We are on to the last month of the year and so here's a look into my December 2020 Journal Spread. For this month's theme, I've drawn inspiration from Hedda's bullet journal. I found her Plan With Me video on YouTube and I really loved how simple yet festive it felt. The doodles wer…

November Reading Wrap Up

Hello everyone! Happy December! I hope you are all doing well. This is just going to be a quick post, hehe.
It's been another productive reading month and I am proud to announce that I have finished a total of ten (10) books, and the majority of them I have rated five-stars! This is now the grea…

House of Earth and Blood (Crescent City 1) by Sarah J. Maas

Synopsis from Goodreads:Half-Fae, half-human Bryce Quinlan loves her life. By day, she works for an antiquities dealer, selling barely legal magical artifacts, and by night, she parties with her friends, savoring every pleasure Lunathion—otherwise known as Crescent City— has to offer. But it all co…

Anecdotes 12 | Trips to the Beach

Papa woke us up at six, and the early morning sunlight greeted my eyes as I yawned and stretched, pushing away the sleepiness that lingered from the deep slumber I was just in. It was a Sunday and judging from the birds chirping, it was going to be a beautiful sunny day. My brother and I changed fr…

Renee Reacts: Gaya sa Pelikula

Hi guys, welcome to another Renee Reacts! If you're new here and don't know what this is about, Renee Reacts is a segment in my blog where I would be talking about my thoughts and reactions to the things I've seen and/or watched. It's sort of a review, but not the typical in-depth o…

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